Integrity Management &
Corrosion Prevention
The Economy of
Preventative Care
Maintaining a system’s structural integrity and preventing corrosion is the most efficient method for extending a project's longevity. With that goal in mind, Kakivik assists clients with developing, maintaining, analyzing, and repairing systems in full compliance with regulatory codes. This, in turn, safeguards the project's budget, timeline, and overall viability.
In addition to providing regular, custom, and emergency on-site services, Kakivik specializes in building systems that leverage remote and automatic systems monitoring, integrate with client software platforms, and provide seamless data management.
Our Services Include:
Our system engineers design maintenance projects that directly reflect client needs and environmental challenges. We monitor regulatory requirements, and recommend solutions based on their strategic merits.
Our experienced technicians are highly certified, rigorously tested, and demonstrably exceptional within their operating fields. We design for the client’s existing data management systems to ensure seamless integration and eliminate processing lags.
Whether operating as full-service maintenance provider or a single-service contractor, Kakivik draws upon our deep knowledge base to enhance our clients’ system’s safety and quality. Our certified field and data inspectors are fully qualified to offer advanced and customized inspection services.